Types of Braces
Traditional braces consist of standard metal brackets that are put on your teeth using an adhesive and then connected by wire, often called an arch wire. Tradicional Braces are tightened periodically. By tightening, we are adding pressure so we can efficiently straighten your teeth and align your jaw as needed. Metal braces or brackets are the most common type of current treatment type in Orthodontics.
Ceramic braces are actually different than clear braces. Ceramic Braces are made of composite materials. Ceramic braces come in different levels of transparency so you can have ceramic braces that mimic the color of your natural teeth. This is a more aesthetic option for our patients.
Not all braces are metal. There are several options that are more invisible or at least transparent, and still do the job of straightening your teeth and aligning your bite. Clear braces are normally transparent so you can see through them and it blends in with your tooth’s natural color.
For an increasing number of people, Invisalign is a good treatment option to get beautiful teeth without tradition braces. Dr. Grider is an orthodontic expert and a Verified Invisalign Provider. At your complimentary consultation, Dr. Grider can determine if Invisalign will work for you particular situation.
Invisalign uses a series of invisible, removable, and comfortable aligners that no one can tell your are wearing. So, you can smile more during treatment as well as after. Because you remove the aligners when you are eating, you can eat and drink what you want while in treatment. Plus, brushing and flossing are no problem.
You wear each set of aligners for 2-3 weeks, removing them only to eat, drink, brush and floss. As you replace each aligner with the next in the series, you teeth will move—little by little, week by week—until they have straightened to the final position Dr. Grider has prescribed. You’ll visit Dr. Grider about once every 6 weeks to ensure that your treatment is progressing as planned. Total treatment time averages9-15 months and the average number of aligners worn during treatment is between 18-30, but both will vary from case to case.
To see if Invisalign will work for you, please schedule a free, no obligation, consultation with Dr. Grider.